Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Establish a Uniform Surface

Establish a Uniform Surface

So with a quick hint from Axel last night after class I was able to get the surface into a uniform surface to work from. As he said sometimes you have to rebuild some things... I guess this is just part of the process.

So here is how I came up with a uniform surface.

This was after doing the SectionCut command in both the X and Y directions. This seemed all good... but the individual surfaces made the curves to be individual as well so the next step was to Join the curves together.

So this was after joining the curves that run in the X direction together... Not much to it just join the lines in the same section cut together.

So after doing that.. I tried to Loft the set of section cuts... but alas came up with a vary weird surface because the edges are not closed.. So I thought well maybe if I closed the loops where all the end fragments of the section cuts that would do the trick.. So I spent a few minutes and did that as well.. Its hard to see in the picture but you can see the edges closed on the right side of the photo.

So this shows the "Cut edges" with the curves extracted from it. So after having the Edges in the mix again I tried to loft again using all the of the section cuts curves... but still this was producing weird surface results. So after a bit. I just used the highest section cut and then the two edges and came up with a Lofted Surface that resembled the one that we started with.

Well I made it to the end... The lofted surface in the Red was after lofting the 3 curves that I extracted from the original polysurfaces. So it seemed like it was a good fit. So I overlaid the two surfaces to see if there was a difference. You can see the red stripe on the final overlaid lofts. However this is just a minor difference and mostly a graphics issue. So now I have a solid Surface to work with.
Hope this helps others out there.

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